Ask your local high street businesses to offer you a seat
We all get tired after a long day on our feet. Having to walk around for long periods of time can take its toll on anyone but for some of us it can affect how much we go out or our involvement in our communities.
There is a simple solution to give people confidence to get out and about and it starts with a chair.
Many areas such as Manchester and Nottingham have launched Take a Seat campaigns. These campaigns encourage local businesses to provide chairs with signs offering people to ‘Take a Seat’. Participating businesses receive ‘We are age-friendly' window stickers and a branded fold-up chair.
Running a Take a Seat Campaign benefits everyone.
In Nottingham alone, more than 300 businesses have taken part since the launch of the campaign in 2015. That’s over 300 more opportunities for those who need it to take a break so that they can continue with their day.
Here are our five top tips for how you could conduct a Take a Seat Campaign, inspired by Nottingham.
Support from the council is essential. Nottingham City Council had a key councillor to rally support. This person acted as a champion, working on the ground to target local businesses.
Working alongside a network of people who are active in the community means businesses are encouraged to participate.
Nottingham ensured that the wants and needs of older people were reflected. They did this with a campaign steering group, which included older people.
The next step is to decide on key messages and plan for how to encourage businesses to sign up. For example, Nottingham Council featured participating businesses on their website and promoted on local community boards.
Using the age-friendly ‘flower’ logo in shop windows allows people to recognise businesses that are participating. You could create your own logo and badge or use this.
Nottingham launched the campaign in multiple phases to maximise the media coverage as much as possible.
Some businesses may also be encouraged to allow use of their bathroom if they realise how important this is to many of their customers.
Locals in Nottingham described having the chance to sit down as ‘tremendous,’ saying it has made their days so much easier.
Businesses have welcomed the opportunity to show that they care about customers’ needs, whilst encouraging people to stay longer in store saying, “It shows that we are a caring business and that we do all we can to help our customers and think about them. Take a seat makes people feel comfortable.”
The small and simple act of providing a chair can make a big difference.